A Dental Tip You Can Sink Your Teeth Into

It is not normal for me to talk about a specific product, but these are not normal times!

I just found out about a new N95! Here are some features that I like

  1. Available and easy to get
  2. Not expensive
  3. Fits everyone (there are different sizes)
  4. Easy to breathe out of
  5. ComfortableWhat is it? – Drum Roll…….. The Readimask
    Visit my facebook page to see the Facebook Live Interview with the inventor, John Schwind|

    Don’t forget if you have respirators in your practice, you must have

    1. Fit tests with a written log
    2. Medical Clearance for everyone wearing a respirator
    3. Written Respiratory Protection Program
    4. All employees must understand what PPE is needed for all situations


    Call us if you have any questions. We are always here to help!
    I continue to get calls about what to do around COVID-19 exposure as situations arise. Feel free to reach out to us anytime. We have even put together a written plan and protocol to help you manage that!

    Now is the perfect time to refresh
    yourself with the current regulations around infection control and OSHA by taking a CE Class with us.

    Email Us to sign up today!

    Dr. Lisa Kane

    Dental Office Compliance of New England LLC
    850 Washington Street, Suite 102
    Dedham, MA 02026