Everybody knows somebody in the community who goes above and beyond the call of duty to help others.

It could be as simple as helping take out the garbage for an elderly neighbor. Or a youth sports coach who has pitched in for many years. Or someone who has helped organize the local 4th of July parade forever.

The Smiling Neighbor program gives your dental office a chance to offer more than thanks to those special people. And the program will bring you press coverage, community participation and new patients.

By sincerely doing the right thing, you’ve earned a chance to take a bow for it.

The Smiling Neighbor program should include some in-office promotion and some external outreach.

The first step is internal marketing. Visiting patients should be given a flyer. The flyer should also be included in billing envelopes and other patient mailings. The flyer can also be on display in the waiting room and all operatories. Details should be included in your E-newsletter and on your website.

The second step is external marketing. The local media can be alerted via a news release. The community can be further informed via social media posts.

Here’s how the program works.

Encourage patients and the public to utilize the “Contact Us” page on your website. They should be coaxed to enter the name of the person being nominated and a brief description of their act of kindness. Also to be included are contact information (telephone/email) for all parties.

That’s it.

On a monthly or quarterly basis, you select a winner. The winner typically receives both recognition and dinner for two at an area restaurant.

And the program reinforces itself. The winner can be announced using the same marketing tools utilized to roll out the nomination process.

If nominations are lacking, you can look for “ringers” in your community. Ringers can be pointed out by staff members or found in the newspaper – e.g. saving a cat from a tree, helping local students, working with the elderly.

With a little effort, the Smiling Neighbor program can spread the good cheer and become a part of your marketing program.

PR Works helps dental offices attract and retain patients. Monthly marketing programs often include innovative outreach programs like the Smiling Neighbor, social media posts, an E-Newsletter, news releases about personnel and other milestones, and the development of referral programs.

Steve Dubin
PR Works
18 Main Street Extension, Suite 409
Plymouth, MA 02360
781- 582-1061

Steven V. Dubin is the founder of PR Works, a full-service public relations firm that helps dental practices develop and orchestrate a consistent marketing program often including news releases, e-newsletters, social media content, informational speaking engagements and other ways to create meaningful connection.