September, 2017
It was decided at both Chapters’ September meetings that paid members would be “Core” members and entitles to participate in the running of their chapters and the Dental Managers Society as a whole.
South Shore Chapter
Core Group Meeting September 8, 2017
Here’s what I took notes on and I hope I got everything right – PLEASE CORRECT ANY MISTAKES!
- It was voted that we will no longer discuss DMS “business” at the general meetings – this will be held for Core Group Meetings after the regular meeting.
- Every other (September and November in 2017) meeting will be a “Managers Only” meeting with at least 1 hour of Open Forum
- The October and December meetings can be attended by non-office managers IF the office manager invites them and it is a topic of general interest. The members decided that it was important to keep the meetings “managers only” unless specified. This can be decided by the Programming Committee
- Non paid member attendance – allowed one “Free” meeting. At that point, someone from the membership committee will reach out to them and ask them how they liked the meeting and invite them to join.
- Programming Committee will decide if there should be an additional charge to members / non members for any meeting, especially is CE’s are offered.
- 2018 dues will be $150
- Committees:
Membership – to increase membership, will create a flyer targeting dentists and make it available to all members to distribute to their study groups. Pam & David will also distribute this flyer at the SS District Dental Meeting at the end of the month. Others will be encouraged to distribute it at their regional meetings as well. Lexi has created a directory of members to be shared only with the membership. (As she started to create this list, we talked and decided to ask for a little more personal information such as home address, month and day of birthday as well as private email address and cell phone.)Programming – The South Shore has Tamara Gardner as its speaker in October. The Committee will be expected to provide programming for November and December.
Facebook posts and newsletter articles – we will still need to post on the “open” Facebook page as well as need articles for our monthly newsletter. We will also need blog posts for the website – can we count on committee members to provide content?Marketing – Lexi has created a “closed” Facebook page. ( ) Pam is in the process of creating a “members only” page on the DMS website where members can share info privately. This will be used as a benefit of being a paid member.
Facebook posts and newsletter articles – we will still need to post on the “open” Facebook page as well as need articles for our monthly newsletter. We will also need blog posts for the website – can we count on committee members to provide content?Ocean State Chapter
Core Group Meeting September 15th
Votes taken at today’s meeting:
- It was voted that meetings will not include strategic planning or any other logistical conversations. Those meetings will take place at 11am and will be separate from the regular meeting so members will get the most they can from speakers and topics planned.
- It was voted that the Programming Committee will designate meetings that will include Open Forum
- It was voted that meeting are for Office Managers Only unless designated by the Programming Committee
- It was voted that non-paid attendees may come to one meeting before being required to join. (The SS group says that the membership committee will contact them, stress the benefits of the group and invite them to join.
- It was voted that it is up to the Programming Committee if there should be an additional fee for any meeting when the speaker is a paid speaker