In the recruiting business that we are in, we tend to notice patterns and trends in dealing with a wide variety of practices in different locations and offering different services, and helping them with their recruitment needs. You might be surprised to learn that the reason many practices can’t find help often has to do with the client themselves. Some don’t realize it is a candidate’s market today and they are using the same hiring criteria they used 20 years ago. Others have a prolonged recruitment process such that they can never make it to an offer being extended as candidates find positions rapidly today. Others, have a 2.4 rating on Glassdoor and Indeed, and this is what a candidate sees when they research the practice. This is a poor rating, and the rating is made by either current or former employees, which candidates put great weight and credibility in. This is social proof today. Still others, try to recruit in a candidate’s market offering below market compensation package. A compensation package includes the hourly rate of pay or salary, and benefits. Today, you need to be equal to or better than market average in order to attract candidates. If you are below market, you will have a difficult time filling any position, and even when you do, you will likely only be able to attract “C” players, as “A” and “B” players will be able to command higher market rates.
This all seems so obvious and simple, yet, every week, I have new potential clients who I meet with who may have one, two, or sometimes, all of the above issues ensuing at the same time. And they wonder why they can’t recruit? We all know recruiting isn’t easy, but you have to know what you are doing today. There is an art and science to it. It isn’t as simple as just placing an ad and hoping for the best. It is a fierce competition to attract the best to your practice when those candidates simple have so many choices. Either invest in a recruiting certification for yourself to learn the methods of cold calling and candidate outreach and networking, learn how to develop marketing content to attract folks to your door, learn how to use social media for candidate sourcing, or get the help of a professional recruiter. They will evaluate your market position and tell you want you need to do in order to increase candidate flow. Develop the skills, or get the help you need so you can focus on managing a profitable practice which runs smoothly without interruptions from unfilled vacancies.

Contact Information
Debra J. Parent, PHR, SHRM-CP, CHHR,
(508) 884-6798.
Or connect with Deb via LinkedIn –