What’s a Person To Do?

David and the ACTSmart IT Team monitor the Tech Security Channels and they want you to know about the most recent breaches and their recommendations:

Hot on the heels of the LastPass and the Norton LifeLock breaches come a few more that you may need to work on re-securing your login’s.

Paypal was breached between December 6 and December 8th 2022 and their initial disclosure says close to 35,000 users affected.

T-Mobile was breached on November 25, 2022. This is the 8th time since 2018 for them and this breach involves 37 MILLION customers.

DraftKings, MailChimp and Nissan North America have also suffered breaches recently.

If you have online accounts with any of these companies, We strongly recommend that you log in, change your password AND enable Two-Factor Authentication (2Fa)

There’s no reason to NOT enable 2Fa whenever possible on any online accounts. Simply using long and complex passwords are no longer adequate protection when the cyber criminals exfiltrate the users’ passwords during the breach.