October 6, 2017 – Tamara Gardner

Tamara WOW’d the Crowd with her insight and warmth!   She used an “Iceberg Analogy – We interact with what’s on top of the water while almost everything underneath the water is ignored!” I have to admit that I was so involved in Tamara was saying that I had a hard time taking notes!
One thing that I wrote down was “Partner in your own success.  You made that choice, how are you going to lead yourself through it?”  In other words, take responsibility for your actions!
She led us through an exercise where we rated our satisfaction level on a rate of 1-10 and had to put the first number that came to our head into a pie chart wheel.  She also gave us a copy of a Daily Habit Tracking chart to help us be accountable to changing our habits.

Don’t take my word for how “Bodacious” Tamara is – She is leading a workshop here at ACTSmart on Saturday, January 13, 2018.  This is a HIGH ENERGY, EXTREMELY FUN and CREATIVELY TRANSFORMATIONAL workshop that you and your friends will talk about for a long time!  For more information and to sign up, click HERE.

Submitted by Pam Snell of ACTSmart, DMS Advocate